Retirement Lifestyle Planning training will help you to get the most out of your retirement. From simple existence to flourishing in retirement.
Do you want to simply exist or do you want to flourish in retirement?
The ‘new retirement’ is not an ending, it’s a new beginning, the start of a new life journey of vastly expanded proportion.’
Retirement lifestyle planning will make the transition from work to the next phase of your life more purposeful and satisfying.
Dr Richard Johnson
Flourish in your retirement
Retirement planning your finances is only one aspect to optimise your retirement! Because knowing what you want and how you want to live is equally important!
What do you mean by flourishing in retirement?
Retirement is a time when you can finally live the life you were destined to live. You can design your ideal life and then put it into practice… You may underestimate the magnitude of that change….It’s up to you to make the retirement years the best years ever. Dr Richard Johnson
Online Retirement Planning Lifestyle Training
While you may prepare yourself financially for retirement can you actually say you would flourish in retirement? Have you thought about or prepared for the non-financial changes that retirement will bring to your life?.
One way for you to live is from meal to meal with sleep in the middle. When asked, ‘how was your day, the response may be ‘I made a salad’, or ‘I paid a bill.’ Although you may be happy, you are left to wonder if there is more to life?
The other way you could live in retirement is to see your retirement as an opportunity. You could spend your time doing voluntary work, enjoy sports, travelling regularly, going out, or looking after your grandchildren. This approach will enable you to flourish in retirement.
Getting the most out of your retirement
Retirement Coaching will help you to optimise your retirement to attain the greatest fulfilment
Are you retiring or downshifting your career? What type of work commitment suits you, your family and meets your physical health? Is a career shift an option?

As you contribute to your local community, you are building a new identity and increasing your self-esteem in retirement.
You can explore your interests and renew old passions that were underused, as you worked and built your careers.
As a teenager or young adult, music may have been your passion, but with the responsibility of raising a family, you may have pushed it aside. Your new retirement would rekindle your enjoyment that music brought.
Involvement in activities at work, leisure and hobbies means that you
- manage your time
- and socialise with others
To plan a meaningful retirement takes time and honesty. But there is also fear attached
How to create a meaningful retirement of lifestyle and financial freedom
You have been a valued team member all of your life, but now your retiring. This often affects a person’s self-worth.
To be able to say that you are flourishing in retirement you need more than just financial security. While many people prepare themselves financially, few people will think about, let alone prepare for the non-financial changes that retirement will bring.
My interest in Retirement Coaching is because I love life and enjoy the challenge of working with clients in the transition space that retirement brings. I also have firsthand experience of family members who have managed their retirement in 2 distinct ways.
One way is to live from meal to meal with sleep in the middle. When we ask: ‘how was your day, the response is ‘I made a salad’, or ‘I paid a bill.’ Although he is happy, we are left to wonder if there is more to life.
The other way is seeing the opportunity that retirement has brought the family to undertake voluntary work, enjoy sports, travel regularly, go out, and look after grandchildren.
Retirement, work and lifestyle
As the average life expectancy for men and women is now above 80 years of age, retirement may stretch 20, 25 or 30 years – longer than you may have first thought. It means as a retiree you are potentially facing as many years being “retired” as you may have been in the workforce. However, you won’t have the responsibilities you faced in younger years like building your career, raising children and paying off your mortgage.
When you consider your retirement, several factors come into place. The external reality of events which may be through illness such as yours or a family member. If you have been retrenched in your late 50s retirement or semi-retirement may be an option to optimise your finances.
Plan to have a meaningful retirement – PLAN YOUR GOALS
At specific times in your life, something sparks your hopes and dreams. As you consider your next phase of life – retirement, you consider the direction of your life and what you would like to achieve for a meaningful time. Goal planning means taking the initiative and recognising the responsibility you have to make things happen and achieve what you want out of life.
The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in a number of areas in your life. It includes your new work direction, education or learning, your family, physical or spiritual needs. Perhaps you have a study goal, to complete a course to undertake in your retirement within a year.
By knowing what you want, it helps you to concentrate your efforts, and create action plans to stop the distractions that stand in the way.
Optimise your retirement to live a fulfilled life. You need to take steps now to if you want to optimise your retirement